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Here you can find links and resources for EDS, and links to fellow Zebra's sites for other helpful products!
The Ehlers-Danlos Society The Ehlers-Danlos Society is one of my favorite places for information resources and has lots of printable resources which can be pretty handy when meeting and trying to educate new doctors on your condition so you can get the best care.
some of the resource guide printables can be hard to hunt down on their site, but I find them extremely helpful (especially the Dentist one!) so I've linked them here for you (PDF will open in new window):
Pain Management
PubMed- This is probably my all time favorite site! It's not EDS specific, but it's medical studies and publications, most of which are free access. You can search anything so it's really helpful when a new issue pops up and you're wondering how EDS affects treatment options or prevalence. Here's a couple of my faves from them:
Gene Reviews: Hypermobile EDS
Gene Reviews: Vascular EDS
Gene Reviews: Classic EDS
Pain and EDS
This section is a work in progress, I've still got much more to add!
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